Supported Housing for International Protection Applicants

Dídean provides supported housing to those seeking international protection. We provide accomodation and social care supports within normal comunity settings.

We understand the many complexities and varied needs of our residents. Dídean provides the following services as part of our core bed rates;

Own door non congregated accomodation

We provide suitable accommodation for family units or individuals based on their assessed needs. All accommodation is spread out tacross geographic areas to avoid cluster and to optimise integration. All properties are proximal to local public services such as schools, places of worship, shops and public transport. Properties are standardised throughout the organisation and are fitted our to meet the national standards.. All facilities have a comprehensive service and maintenance programmes and are monitored to ensure they remain in good condition.


Needs Assessment

Dídean residents are provided with a full needs assessment prior to moving into any of our homes. The needs assessment supports the development of an ‘Individual Integration Plan’ (IIP) which is used throughout their residency to support them become more independent, included and integrated into the community around them. We suppoet our residents access employment, education, health and community services and to become more self sufficient. Our residents at the end of their stay are in a much better position to contribute to irish society than if they resided in a hotel / congregated setting.


Dedicated Key Worker

Every resident is supported throughout their stay by a dedicated trained key worker who supports them with their IIP. The key worker works with each resident to access state services effectively, maximising the likelihood of their long-term independence. Supports are intensified at point of admission and at discharge.


Self Catering

Dídean’s residents self-cater and manage their own food and household budgets through a household allowance structure. Family units or individuals are provided with a pre-paid card and are supported by their key worker in budgeting.


Translation Services

We have a comprehensive translation and accessibility service available to residents which covers over 150 languages. Translating services are available in person, over phone and by video conferencing. Sign language is also available in person or by video conferencing.


Drop In Centre

Dídean has a dedicated drop in centre in each geographic area which can facilitate meetings with public and state bodies. This centre also acts as an information hub, social space and a point where residents can access technology if they do not have any.