Cookies Policy

1. Dídean Cookie Policy

Dídean respects the privacy of all visitors to our website. This Cookie Policy outlines our policy concerning the use of cookies and similar technologies (“cookies”) on Dí (collectively our “website”).

We may update our Cookie Policy from time to time to reflect any changes in technology or legislation which may affect the way in which cookies are used by us and how you, as a user, can manage them. You can opt out at any time in the ways outlined below.

2. What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are used to store or retrieve information to perform certain functions and remember visits to a website. There are 2 distinct types of cookies – session cookies and persistent cookies. A session cookie is only accessible while your browser is open, and is deleted as soon as you navigate away from our website. A persistent cookie can remain on your computer for a pre-defined period of time, or until they are forcibly deleted. Other technologies including pixels, tags, web beacons or local storage also store and retrieve data on a device and are similar to cookies.

3. How do I manage or refuse Cookies?

If you do not want to accept a cookie you can use your in-built browser or device settings to deny or accept individual or all cookies. The procedure varies depending on browser or device so please visit your browser or device's settings or help section for more details. Additional information on managing third party cookie opt outs is included below in our 'Third Party Cookies' section.

Please be aware that some functionality on our websites requires the use of cookies, and as such, disabling these may result in a deterioration of service.

4. How Dídean uses Cookies

We use cookies to improve the performance of our website and to gain info on where our visitors are based geographically. Unless you adjust your browser settings to refuse cookies, we (and these third parties) will issue cookies when you interact with us. These may be ‘session’ cookies, meaning they delete themselves when you leave our website, or ‘persistent’ cookies which do not delete themselves and help us recognise you when you return so we can provide a tailored service.